Saturday, February 13, 2010

About Stuff...

13.73 billion years ago the universe packed neatly into a space smaller than an atom.

13.73 billion years ago all the dimensions of the universe were packed neatly into a single unified dimension, having no height, no width, no depth, not even a moment to exist in for time had yet to begin.

It would take less than an instant (defined as an infinitely short amount of time) for it to expand... if one could be floating there, outside of the universe a short distance away (which is patently absurd since there was no space outside of the infinitely small space, but say there was...) one would never see the universe coming because it moved faster than light (the universal speed limit had not passed quantum physics legislation yet).

I'm waiting for Isaac to get out from video x ray (they are having him drink a contrast fluid, and then will video tape how it flows [or fails to] through him).

So... I'm just sitting here thinking about stuff...

Stars in our Neighborhood

Our Galaxy

Local Galaxies in our Supercluster

The filaments in our corner of the universe (of which our supercluster makes up a spot)

The inventor of the Frisbee died this past week...

The DVD of The African Queen will come out next month!

Tapioca is made from casava roots

1 comment:

Ann said...

i didn't know that about tapioca! cool!