Thursday, February 11, 2010


Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't.
--Mark Twain

I got to the hospital as quickly as possible. School ended, and the student I had scheduled to tutor after school was covered by someone else.

School ends at 2:30. We are expected to stick around until at least 3:30 (though it isn't uncommon to be here after 5:00, and I often arrive at 6:00), I hustled off. I was told Isaac was going under for a "Procedure" (? "operation"?) to insert a stent in his intestine.

Sheesh. I really don't want to see that happen.

But I am glad they are taking this last chance to see if they can let the stomach have one more chance.

They removed the NG tube (a nasal tube that pumps fluids out of the stomach). They are avoiding the pain meds (which slow his digestive track) and giving him an anti-inflammatory. We are crossing our fingers that this will work.

So... I feel confused. I thought the stent was a sure thing. Glad to hear that it is only a possibility. A stent is sometimes rejected by the stomach and pushed further into the intestines. That would be more serious.

Perhaps all the prayers are moving the Lord's hand. Perhaps his intestines will take this last chance to wake up and do their job.

Either way, I'm hopeful. I hope the doctor returns soon and feels we can put off this procedure.

I just want my son to get better... come home.

As for Brenda... she hasn't been here this afternoon. I'm grateful for that.

I need to have a blunt conversation with her. I dislike confrontation. That has been reinforced to a pavlovian level with her. But, I see she is continually testing the boundaries. I tell her where they are, and she pushes it.

I teach middle school. Kids between 11 and 14. They ALWAYS test the boundaries. If they are to stay in the cafeteria before the school day begins, then they will see if it is OK to stand in the doorway. Once the door fills the will see if it is OK to stand outside the door and talk to the kids in the door. If no one says anything they will see if it is OK to go look at the bulletin boards in the hallway. If no one says anything, they will see if it is OK if they just run to their locker real quick to put something away...

I will have to be as clear with Brenda as I am with my students.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

shoulder to shoulder i stand with you. guard your boundaries. keep your heart.