Friday, February 12, 2010


At this time yesterday I thought Isaac was having a procedure to place a stent into his intestines.

I didn't like the idea.

Sometimes the stomach resists these stents and push them further into the intestine.

While I was teaching my last class yesterday, getting ready to hurry to Portland, Isaac, Brenda, and the surgeon decided to simply remove the NG tube going into his stomach and see what happened.

Would the stomach just fill with gas and fluids, pulling on the previous incisions? Or would it fill up partially, and start moving materials into his intestine?

I was there last night. The stomach grew uncomfortable for him, grew a little distended. We refrained from pain meds, opting for strong anti-inflammatory medicine instead.

The pain subsided.

He had a small bowl movement late last night, and a larger one this morning.



I am not there this morning, I'm working today (on a lunch break right now), so I don't know exactly what they are deciding, but I suspect they will start having him drink fluids, perhaps eat some Jello (registered trademark).

This is VERY good news.

I am cautiously hopeful I can bring him home soon.

Lastly, on the ex wife front... It seems she is getting the message. I told her details about my income, about anything to do with the hospital bills and Isaac and all that, she would only get what I am convinced is absolutely necessary. No more than that.

I woke this morning at 3:30, went for a nice walk in nature. It was a peaceful hour.

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