Friday, April 25, 2008


I started feeling blue this afternoon.

I have decided to try to work things out with my wife, mostly because she says she wants to and because I see indications she has had a change of heart.

I see our Lord has been reinforcing those feelings of hers through a series of events. Brenda is starting to see miracles around her, good things coming from bad. That last part is something she has trouble doing.

She could have been killed in that accident a week ago. She has driven too frequently without a seat belt. She got a ticket for that a couple of weeks ago. She was belligerent to the officer at the time. Now she sees that without that ticket she probably would not have had her belt on and she may have been killed. She went to the police station and left the ticketing officer a thank you card.

Several factors in the last instants before the accident placed the vehicles in such a way that the impact was more toward the front of her car than directly against the driver’s door. Again, she probably would have been killed.

Each of the persons in the other vehicles had their belts on. Two adults and five children. Even the ones in the parked car. Again, very fortunate.

The insurance looks like it will be able to cover everything for the other cars.

Being without a vehicle put a great deal of strain on getting things done, with Brenda driving me to work so she could have the van and I getting rides from coworkers.

But, out of the blue, someone gave her a car (Geo Prizm, 204,000 miles, but runs good). Well not exactly gave. Sold it to us for $2. They also insisted on buying a new battery and paying the title transfer fees.

The incredible news that Jeremiah has been granted permanent residence status when it looked like we would be eternally wrapped in the red tape streaming from immigration, Homeland Security, and the general grinding cogs of beuacracy, was good news beyond our best expectations.

Today, she got the news that the job she was hoping for, praying for, is hers. Twenty hours a week, $19,000 a year. Hours are perfect for her to be able to get the kids off to school.

She is seeing a lot of good things come her way, and she isn’t the type of person who sees the good in things.

Still... she has mixed feelings about the situation. Her affair was as much about running away from the challenges of our lives as it was about the excitement she got from the affair itself.

So, last night, I could tell she was missing... him.

That bothered me.

A lot.

I was busy today... I had a lot going on in my classes, so I was distracted. But in the back of my mind and in the depths of my heart, worries and anxieties were growing.

I had to work a little late. But I think I was trying to work a little late. For when the girls I was helping work on a video left, I found I really didn’t want to go home.

My friend and coworker told me some nice things this afternoon as I was locking the door to the classroom. Things about how I have kept my hand in events around the school (videos for assemblies, lead singer for a Battle of the Bands staff band, raffling off my beard to encourage kids to raise money...) and he said he knew I was going through a lot, yet I still did good work.

Secretly I disagree with him. I suppose I have done what is expected of me, and perhaps a touch more... but I haven’t done nearly the quality and creative teaching I expect of myself. He said I am a good man, but I know myself to be weak, fearful, full of doubt.

Someone told me they had shown their wife one of my posts and she had said that I have “the patience of Job.” First, I don’t think Job had a lot of patience. Endurance, but not patience. But it was nice to hear anyway.

So I have folks who tell me nice things. And I am needful of such encouragement.

Good news about Isaac. His IEP meeting this week went well. It appears he has been working so hard, doing his very best, and that with the tutoring classes he is getting, and his determined avoidance of special ed. classes, it is looking like he will earn a regular high school diploma like any other kid.

I am proud of my son.

I was watching Jeremiah play solitaire on the computer, and I was astonished how fast he is at sorting those cards. He was moving and placing them faster than I could follow. Much faster than I could have done it. It made me feel that he has a skill for seeing patterns and sorting, and maybe he will find work which will suit him.

I am hopeful for my son.

I have lots of good things going on around me. Still, I have nagging feelings which drag on me.

Frankly, I’m depressed.


I’m always writing spiritual takes on the events of my life, about how I see God working in my life. Truthfully, I’m a pretty screwed up person. I think that the image I project in these posts is one of someone a lot better than the person I really am.

I yearn for my wife’s love. I ache for an end to the challenges which seem to face us.

Maybe I’m just tired. Maybe I am just emotionally worn out.

I have deep doubts about my wife’s future fidelity, but I cannot express them to her for fear my doubts may encourage them to come true.

I have a lot of good traits. I am strong in many ways, but secretly, in my deepest heart, I am rather insecure about many things, especially... am I loved?

My appearance has changed lately. I was pretty lucky with the beard thing. I expected to get Elvis sideburns, or an Abe Lincoln beard, or tiger stripes, or random splotches. Instead the student who won the drawing at the Battle of the Bands fund raiser just had me shave my cheeks and remove the “soul patch.” Since the school year began I haven’t gone in for a haircut once. So I have this hippy look happening with my hair, and a well-groomed look in my “goatee.”

There have been times in my life where I changed parts of myself, (from “Bill” to “Will,” from long hair to conservative cut, etc.), and the events of this past year tend to make me want to have some outward change. Perhaps this new look in hair and beard could be that for me now.

I’m wearing my wedding ring. It makes me feel awkward somehow. I felt awkward the couple of weeks I had it off. When I had it off I was embarrassed and took to hiding my left hand. Now it is on again I still feel awkward about the circumstances and I continue to hide my left hand.

My life is full of blessings and miracles. I have things in my life which make me happy, things I see which I find beautiful, a marriage which may be on its way to restoring itself.

Still... I am feeling blue today.

I’m not sure why.


Anonymous said...

Could it be that you have a hard time living with the thought that "Life is good"? You have felt negative for a long time and lived in the expacntancies that bad things will continue to happen.
You have a hard time letting go of that; it's been your companion.
Brenda's life is changing, slowly, and I asked her the other day if she saw God in these changes, to which she said "yes".
So move onward, Will. We're here to support you and to step alongside of you.

Anonymous said...

Actually, what I meant to say is "That life CAN be good" not "Life IS good". The latter might be harder to embrace.RS

Anonymous said...

when balance of life changes one way or another it has to affect us....... B is on an excitement roll and she does see Gods hand in it. She also has made the choice to stay. Stay the course Will.
Thanks for being transparent with us....we love you too!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Take each good thing, and smile in gratitude.
Take each bad thing, and offer it as praise.
Take all of them together and decide, as you have continued to do, that the Lord is still in control of a ship you may see as rudderless, drifting, aimless, and no direction.

In the pool at the oasis in the Desert of the Real, I sit, gazing. And I smile at each good thing, and smile at each thing that makes you question whether peace is real.

It IS.

Search your core. Have you lost Him? No, no, my friend. And you could have, but you didn't make that choice. In the darkest hours of this terrible journey through the valley of sorrow, even as the road turns ever so slightly up and out, you NEVER let go of His hand. The darkness forced you to reach out, blindly, and seek Him out, forsaking every thing else for that reassuring touch of His hand on yours.

It has been proven, Will, that you love no one or no thing so much as the Father. Seeking Him through this, no matter how hard, opened your eyes and your heart for all things to be added.

All things are coming, my friend.

Open your hands, close your eyes, and wait, and don't worry about hiding either hand. The Lord will fill them both to running over, whether that band of gold is in its place or not.

Gigi said...

mostly because she says she wants to and because I see indications she has had a change of heart.

I think you sell yourself short I think you stay because you feel it is what HE wants......

Unknown said...

Sometimes I smile and cry for you at the same time.

An ex co-worker of mine ("Mr. Ed" in his late 60's) used to get angry anytime anyone was having a "bad day." He would say the same thing to each person, each time....."You think you have problems? Come with me to the hospital and we'll visit the ICU. You look at all the people suffering there, fighting for their lives. Then you'll see you've got it pretty darned good."

He was a nice man. He didn't get it though. When you get a splinter under your fingernail, it hurts like hell. Yes, you are thankful you didn't lop your arm off, but that doesn't keep the splinter from hurting like hell.

Whoever tells you that you must be happy all the time because of all the blessings you have is a f-ing robot. We are human, Will. We have our good days and our bad days. It's how we handle our bad days that counts. But that does not mean we must smile on the outside when we are crying on the inside.

Alllow yourself to be human once in a while.



Jada's Gigi said...

What a roller coaster ride you have been on! I cannot even imagine how difficult all this is for you. All I am sure of is that God is good,...all the time...and I know you already know this. May he guide you and Brenda in this time, in your life day to day. I don't know how you could do differently considering the circumstances.
Isaac looks so handsome in his prom picure! I hope he had fun. thank God for the surprises regarding Jeremiah and may he find his way as well. God gave him to you so I am sure he is in the best possible situation for him right now.
I like your new look...younger looking, slimming...what more can you ask for right? :)

Amrita said...

glad Brenda is seeing some positive things in life. We are praying.Happy for your sons too.