Monday, April 7, 2008

Walking in the Meme Light

I know I’m weird.

I take some folks off guard. They don’t know what to make of my weird ideas. Heck, I don’t know what to make of my weird ideas.

A weird idea isn’t necessarily a bad idea. Many ideas seemed weird when people first heard them. Yet many of those ideas turned out to be very powerful.

Still, I can understand how exposure to a continuing stream of weirdness could get old.

Perhaps that is why I lost my wife’s love.

Naturally my mind follows my heart, and I keep turning back to the idea that dominates my thoughts... my wife loves another.

I have a buddy who works across the hall from me. I wander in and out of his room two or three times a day, leaving a little trail of weirdness.

I think he kind of likes it, or at least he pretends to.

I suppose my faith, my beliefs, are a little weird for many folks.

Those beliefs were novel ideas at one time.

“Love your neighbor as you love yourself.”

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

“Bless those who curse you.”

Each night I put my sons to bed, talk with them, pray over them. Then I change into pajamas in an empty room, crawl into an empty bed.

In one sense I feel pretty alone.

In another, I feel like the entire universe is keeping me company.

Interesting idea, that.

I was thinking about being alone while I walked in the woods this afternoon. And I started thinking about Adam.

He was pretty lonely.

Interesting idea.

It seems fairly clear it was a common thing for God to talk with Adam, much as I talk each night with my sons. You know, all that walking in the cool of the evening stuff.

So, Adam hung out with God.

Isn't that an amazing idea?! Imagine walking in that garden, under the moonlight, with God.

But it wasn’t enough.

God recognized Adam needed another:

The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." Genesis 2:18

Yet, He did not give Adam what he wanted, not right away. Instead, he put Adam to work.

“Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the beasts of the field.” Genesis 2:19-20

This is an interesting idea.

Adam had God with him, yet he was alone.

I find myself in a strange place. I find myself alone (well I’ve my kids, but they don’t count in this respect), without someone who can gaze with me at the decades ahead. It makes me feel like a rudderless ship.

But I’m not rudderless.

I’m a pretty fortunate man in that for me faith is so real, so very tangible. I sense God in the world around me. I so love the beauty of this world, and I am so lucky to be living in an age where I can gaze at images of microscopic and images of stellar wonders that were beyond the vision of previous generations. I rejoice in the smells, and tastes, and sights of this world.

I’m pretty fortunate in that I have experienced God so clearly in my life that I cannot feel truly alone.

Sure, I have the distance between me and God that everyone has had since those first orchard thieves. But I was designed to be connected to the universe, I was designed to walk in a very special garden in the cool of the evening, and that some day I will do that, and in some way, I do today.

Still... there is a part of me, a very sore place, that can hardly believe there isn’t anyone else in the bed with me.

How long did Adam work at naming animals? How long did God’s little gardner putter about the wonders and bounty of that beautiful place, but sighed because he was alone?

Isn’t that an odd idea?

He was alive in ways I cannot know, sharing a world with divinity in a way I haven’t felt, and still, he felt alone.

It took a long time for humans to move to where we are now. A lot of ideas.

Abraham told the world there was only one God. That was an idea which was considered very weird.

Moses told the world there was a living God who loved them, wanted to save them, guide them to a better place. Weird.

And Mary told the world she was pregnant with God Himself.

Weird hardly describes it. What a concept! God within the womb of a girl.

My faith is filled with such odd, such weird, ideas.

Ideas which shook the world.

Before I write another word, keep in mind I am aware my weird ideas rank nowhere near the import of those ideas. In fact, I’m pretty sure my ideas are probably quite wrong, and they will wither and die, as weak ideas should.

Richard Dawkins coined the term “meme” for ideas, arguing they thrived or died, they propagate through culture and lives, a lot like the darwinian concept of natural selection. Good ideas, no matter how weird they may be, reproduce themselves through the generations.

Perhaps I’m like some creature which has strayed too near a glowing Chernobyl.

My brain produces weird memes.

I guess I’m saying that though I ache for what I have lost, I know I have someone eager to walk in a garden with me, once I leap out of this sin-filled world... I sense I am made to walk in His company.

I also know I was created to share my life with another, and in losing that it is only natural I ache.

I’ll be OK.

And to me, for now, standing in the light of that idea, it strikes me as a little weird.


Anonymous said...

will, it's too bad it has come to this but i still believe that God can heal hurting marriages. God can heal wounded hearts. God can still make right what went wrong. but will, you have to want it. you have to have faith that that could really happen. i'm still praying for both you and brenda.

Curious Servant said...

Yeah, I'm sorry it has come to this as well. It is true "that God can heal marriages." Healing hearts, making things right are within God's abilities.

But there are certain things God cannot do. God cannot exist within the presence of sin, hence the banishment thing in Eden.

God has also arranged things so we all have free will... another good example coming out of that garden.

I am not feeling bad over not trying, not wanting. I have truly tried to save this marriage. I've done all I can for this marriage. I truly have.

But if she chooses to taste of forbidden fruit, if she wants to swim in a pool filled with applesauce, that is her choice.

I need to protect my home, my children.

I have discovered something about myself recently.

I used to be slightly condescending toward those who divorced. I quietly thought they had failed, that they hadn't tried hard enough. I believed that since marriage is forever, divorce was not a possibility.

But, I now see that because I believe in marriage, I have to believe in divorce. For when a marriage devolves to where it is no longer a marriage, it isn't right any more to pretend it exists.

How many times over the last few months has she deceived me? Over the last few years?

Now I am not saying I am without fault.

I'm just saying her heart is no longer mine.

Look at it this way: A man asked for my coat, and I gave him my cloak as well.

Because, I find that neither of them were ever truly mine.

Amrita said...

I don 't want to sound glib. But take one step at a time.God is with you.

Gigi said...

And what I am finding is weird is good........

Curious Servant said...

A few verses from "Circle Dance" by Bonnie Raitt:

... I don't know why it should be so hard
Giving up this circle dance
Worn out steps from long ago
Don't give love a chance...

...Can't go back to make things right
Though I wish I understood
Time has made things clearer now
We did the best we could...

...I tried so hard just to hold you near
Was as good as I could be
Even when I had you here
You stayed so far from me

Can't go back to make things right
Though I wish I understood
Time has made things clearer now
You did the best you could

Now that this has occured to me
I just want you to know
I've been too faithful all my life
It's time to let you go...

Anonymous said...

i like weird...never boring.
still praying