Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Judgement of Other Men

Things are a little rough... to be expected...

I try to live my life with integrity.

I try to live my faith.

I fail.

I value too much the judgement of other men.

There are too many parts of my life where I consider the views of others.

--How I turn a phrase.

I take pride in the beauty of writing well.

--My art

I take pride in the praise of others because I know how to hold a pen.

--How I pray.

Puffing myself up, making myself look good, I mention I pray, making sure my name is on the sign up for our church's monthly 24 hours of prayer.

--How I reveal myself.

I take pride in honesty, transparency... I take pleasure in the comments people make about my frank self revelations.

...and here is where it gets sticky...

--My wife.

I love her.

I don't trust her.

I think about forgiveness so I can have her in my arms, even if it is an illusion...

And I think about how she betrayed me, and how much I hurt... And how I long to hold her again, and then... it is... shame...

I wonder what people would say if I took her back. (Weak? Doormat? Wimp? Wuss?)

And the shame of that stiffens my resolve when I should have spine enough to shove these feelings aside, suck it up, and just move on without her (because, apparently, I haven't really had her).

I value too much the judgement of other men.

It is nothing.

Of what value are the praises of others, mere mortals?

The praises of others are no more than a fart in a hurricane.

If I have courage, any guts, any faith, I would only consider my heart and the judgement of my God.


Coco said...

Don't worry about what others doesn't matter!
What is important is YOU!! Your thoughts, feelings, and actions...
so long as you are honest with yourself.
Remember- No matter what decision you make regarding Brenda, God will still love you unconditionally!

I hope you are having a "good" summer... I LOVE my summers!!

Take care!

Hugs & Blessings

i have a "ME" mosaic on my blog...
come on by.

Unknown said...

Ease up on yourself just a notch or two my brother. I know you well enough to know that in the end, you really do only care about what He thinks. You know that His judgement is all that matters.
There is nothing wrong with feeling joy and celebrating your accomplishments and the recognition and praise you receive for them. There is a difference between acknowledging praise thankfully, joyfully, spiritually and being prideful.
You never say, "Look what I did all on my own." You always say, "I humbly share with you that which I have created by the guide of His hand."
You are a good father, son, man, servant, friend and whether or not Brenda appreciates or acknowledges it, you are a good husband.
We all have flaws, faults, shortcomings. He made us in his image as his children, not ever intended to be his equal. He is the only one without fault. He never wanted or expected you to be perfect, so don't punish yourself when you aren't. And don't accept punishment from anyone else for it either.
If the world were full of people like you, there would be no more war, hate, prejudice, evil!
I (and others) am inspired by you. By your faith, love, perseverance, dedication, patience, acceptance. And I am proud to know you. I am honored to call you friend and to be called friend by you.

I love you Will.


4plumb said...

I am so sorry for the pain you are going through.
You will have good days and bad days but HE will be there with you through all of it. Trust Him and know that He loves you good and bad and will never leave you.
Eyes up!

Curious Servant said...

jaz4j... I don't recall seeing you before. Thank you for the encouraging words. I appreciate it.

Laura said...

I can identify with your post. I too have the tendenacy to consider what other people think over and above what God thinks. There is a situation right now where I am learning to not rely so heavily on other people's opinions. What matters is what my God says and how obedient I am to His opinion.

Hang in there!

Terry said...

Oh Curious Servant. It is so nice to have Judas Hate back and as usual with such inspiring words!.
I agree with him completely.
You are a true gentleman, a true child of God!!...
What more could you have done than what you did?
Love Terry

4plumb said...

I have occasionally read your blog because you always made me think.
When I read your latest series of notes it made my heart break and reminded me of my own pain 10 years ago.
It's said that character shows when you think no one is watching. I have always admired your family.
Your friends are the ones standing with you even when you are unaware

Stay strong and keep your eyes on Him!

Curious Servant said...


Thank you.

I haven't noticed you visiting before.

I appreciate the kind words.